Lorraine Rossini Hamby

I picked up my first sketchbook years ago during a visit to New York's legendary Pearl Paint— I was like a kid in candy shop, meandering through the art supplies. I had been painting for a few years, experimenting with different approaches. But I hadn’t really found my own style.

That little shopping trip was a turning point. Somehow, when I left the shop that day with a few pens and my first sketchbook, things started to shift. Since then, I haven't stopped drawing. 

I love to create expressive, abstract pieces, and faces are definitely my go-to, favorite subject. It started with some scribbles, then an expressive self-portrait and it evolved to become simple, gestural and instinctive pieces.

My art education has been an informal one. It has included a class at the San Francisco Art Institute and guidance from an amazing gem of a teacher who taught local community classes.

I've participated in multiple multiple art exhibitions in the SF Bay Area, including Silicon Valley Open Studios. I've been a contributor to The Sketchbook Project, a global, collaborative and travelling art exhibit, with FacesFaces 2, and Faces 3.

I also have an Etsy shop where you can order some of my prints. 


The Sketchbook Project

 My sketchbooks, Faces, Faces 2, and Faces 3, are on display (and occasionally on tour) at the The Sketchbook Project's Digital Library.

 My sketchbooks, FacesFaces 2, and Faces 3, are on display (and occasionally on tour) at the The Sketchbook Project's Digital Library.